Sunday, July 8, 2018

Am I Back?

Aloha, everyone!

I can't believe it's been almost four years since I last posted on this blog! Don't you worry, however! I've been writing and editing, teaching (and procrastinating) as always. 

In future posts, I will share something about what I'm writing so you can anticipate. A writer doesn't always remember to include others when considering what to write. I welcome your comments on this blog as well as on any of my books.

If you haven't checked my Author Page on Amazon, you might want to do that soon. For less than one dollar, you can read my books. I suggest that you begin with Shadowy River because it is really the first book in the series. Pele's Fire is a stand-alone book rather than the first in the series as my Author Page indicates.

Washboard Tales is the second book in the Shadowy River Series and is almost complete. I plan to post it by the end of the year but I also need the encouragement of my readers in order to keep writing. Washboard Tales will take us into the realm of murder and other mysteries.