Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Every year I take part in NaNoWriMo ( and until last year, I never finished a 50,000 page novel in 30 days. Last year I did it, with 50,243 words! I'm still fleshing it out, editing, rewriting, and trying to decide if it's something I would want others to read.

This year I am taking part again and I hope it turns out to be something that I think is worth publishing. I'll let you know when the month is over. I have written 13,359 words on it so far, with 36,741 + more to go!

I want to encourage you to try it next year, or even another one of the months that this site offers. It is a good way to stop self-editing as you write and just get your story written down! There are others near where you live that are taking part in this marathon, and getting together with them to write gives you a rooting section when you get tired.

If you decide to start now (it's really not too late), or if you decide to try again in another month or next year, please let me know. I'll be there rooting for you, too!

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