Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Have you ever been caught in the doldrums while out sailing? It's a hard place to be, isn't it? Waiting for the wind to lift your sails and send you on your way can feel like such a waste.

Surely, I'm not the only person who found herself with time to write but ended up worrying about COVID instead! The doldrums hit, and I just couldn't find the energy to do much writing. All that time spent washing my hands, social distancing, putting on a mask, and sanitizing seemed to destroy any creative streak that was trying to surface.

I have been vaccinated, and I still wash my hands, social distance myself, wear my mask, and sanitize frequently, I'm venturing out more, and I think I caught my creative muse trying to send a little puff of wind around the corner, so maybe she didn't die after all. Resurrection can happen!

There is a fresh breeze blowing offshore, and perhaps we'll have full sailing ability soon. Yesterday, after all this time of COVID and a blank brain, I came up with four or five new ideas and plots for fantasy books. Maybe it's because the past eighteen months allowed space for a breeze to blow through the windows of my mind, but for whatever reason, I'm writing again!

TIP: I've heard that whistling can bring the desired wind, so if you are in the COVID doldrums, go "whistle down the wind!" and get back to your computer.


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Am I Back?

Aloha, everyone!

I can't believe it's been almost four years since I last posted on this blog! Don't you worry, however! I've been writing and editing, teaching (and procrastinating) as always. 

In future posts, I will share something about what I'm writing so you can anticipate. A writer doesn't always remember to include others when considering what to write. I welcome your comments on this blog as well as on any of my books.

If you haven't checked my Author Page on Amazon, you might want to do that soon. For less than one dollar, you can read my books. I suggest that you begin with Shadowy River because it is really the first book in the series. Pele's Fire is a stand-alone book rather than the first in the series as my Author Page indicates.

Washboard Tales is the second book in the Shadowy River Series and is almost complete. I plan to post it by the end of the year but I also need the encouragement of my readers in order to keep writing. Washboard Tales will take us into the realm of murder and other mysteries. 


Sunday, September 14, 2014


NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is just around the corner for 2014! I invite anyone who is interested in writing fiction of any sort (romance, fantasy, Western, mystery, etc) to take part.

If you've been meaning to start writing, this is a good way. I entered for quite a few years before I actually finished the required 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. Once I did that, and even got a few things published under a "pen name," I found the 50,000 words came easier and easier.

That doesn't mean you won't have to struggle! No matter how many times I start a new book, I worry that this time I won't make it. Once I begin writing, however, the story seems to take form.

My suggestion, whether a new writer or a seasoned one, is to make an outline before NaNoWriMo starts. Have some vague idea of what you want to write about, perhaps even write a few character sketches. Then when you finally start writing on November 1, you'll be more prepared. The first time I entered, I waited until November 1 to even think about what I would write. Bad mistake!

I'll see you in November on NaNoWriMo. If you want a virtual writing companion, let me know. We can give each other encouragement!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thinking about 2014

Ever since I was a "winner" on NaNoWriMo for 2013, I have been editing and adding to the 55,000 plus words I wrote in November.

Editing isn't always fun, but I do enjoy it when I find a section of the writing that needs a little propping up. It is so easy for me to get lost in the "story" that I don't add all the other surrounding aspects of a particular section. So editing for me is when I take a paragraph and expand it into several more, maybe even several pages.

I seem to hear the conversations first. After that, I look around and check out the place where this is taking place. There is so much to see, and I want the reader to see it all, too. Other writers say they do a lot of description first, then go back to include the conversations, or dialogues.

Another area where writers differ is in their approach. Some are strictly "seat of the pants" writers and just let the story go where it will. Others have a long detailed outline of where they want the story to go. I suppose I'm a combination of those. I have a written outline that is sparse and general. Within that, I let the story tell the story it wants to tell and I go along for the ride.

No matter which kind of writer you are, please set aside a time each day to write. This is something I need to remember, too. I find it is too easy to get caught up in all the requirements of my "real" job and not take time to do what nourishes my soul.

Welcome to this new year of 2014 and give yourself the pleasure of writing for the next 365 days.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I did it!

On my previous post, I said I was taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where the only requirement is to complete at least 50,000 words in 30 days during November.

I finished with 55,567 words, and the novel isn't even completed yet! So I'll keep working on it.

If you are a reader of fantasy fiction that takes place in a make-believe world, then you'll enjoy this one when I finish it. If I think it's publishable, I'll put it on Kindle.

In the meantime, if you are looking for something to while away your hours over the holidays, check out my author page on Amazon (see below).

Amazon Author Page

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Every year I take part in NaNoWriMo (https://nanowrimo.org) and until last year, I never finished a 50,000 page novel in 30 days. Last year I did it, with 50,243 words! I'm still fleshing it out, editing, rewriting, and trying to decide if it's something I would want others to read.

This year I am taking part again and I hope it turns out to be something that I think is worth publishing. I'll let you know when the month is over. I have written 13,359 words on it so far, with 36,741 + more to go!

I want to encourage you to try it next year, or even another one of the months that this site offers. It is a good way to stop self-editing as you write and just get your story written down! There are others near where you live that are taking part in this marathon, and getting together with them to write gives you a rooting section when you get tired.

If you decide to start now (it's really not too late), or if you decide to try again in another month or next year, please let me know. I'll be there rooting for you, too!

Amazon Author Page

Sunday, July 28, 2013

At Last!

I am so excited to be able to tell you about my new Author Page on Amazon that lists not only Pele's Fire, but all three books I have published at this point.

Pele's Fire is the first in the series and Shadowy River is the second. A third is under construction at this point. It is not necessary to read them in any special order, and there will characters that show up in each. Both are adult mystery novels with a romantic interest.

Of special interest to Young Adult readers will be Darcy deSahba, and the first in that series is now published. Watch for more as Darcy goes on her quest.

Please click on the following link to get to the Author Page.
